Author: Nicolay Vladimirov Kurbanov-nvknvk
Roterra 4 - magical-revolution
SKIP 4 LEVEL(not work), level 20(the place where i must go is hidden by icons to change player), IN BEGINING LEVEL 25 NOT WORK, 27 & 28 ALSO , 30 MINUTES per level MAXIMUM, level 15 - 50 minutes - TILL NOW 1 ERROR. i find solution - 2 levels for 1 hour
less ERRORS with -2 =2+1 point, EQUAL 6 ERRORS - 2 points, more 2 ERRORS -minus 2-1 point
LAST_20_TRIAL_close_to_checkpoint WITH MY NEW MOD NOdamage_the_BUS - normal FOG, CEMENT TRUCK- 0 ERROR- 4 attmepts per race
BETTER- 2POINT, EQUAL- 1 POINT, WORSE - minus 1 point
40_LOW_altd_rcbaron fly races -HEAVY RAIN, TRAFFIC DENSITY 10.0, CHANGE in HANDLING.CFG max_speed/accel(180.0 37.0) -0 errors
EQUAL- 2 POINT, WORSE - minus 1 point
WITH YOUR BIKE with no my settings!!!!!!! ALL SETTINGS must be with diffe IF irence 5 UNITS MINIMUM
axample IF i'AM 265.0 YOU MUST BE MINIMIM 260 AND MAXIMUM from 266 and more up)
100AUTOMTDnvknvkRACES_2bikes_CAMERA - ON dry CLOUDY (original surface) traffic density 0.65 ME(BMW)-nrg500 AGAINST [2022] DUCATI Lenovo Team(pcj600) , first 50 races in streight 26WINS & 24 LOOSES AND reverse 50 races 28WINS & 22 LOOSES ,sometimes USED V_HUD_by_DK22Pac
BETTER -3 POINTS, EQUAL (52-56)- 2 POINTS, WORSE minus -1 point
SECOND PASS - 2nd attempt you bet 100 TRILLION #$ and can take 1000 TRILLION #$ with that difference- LOGIC GAME is roterra 3
Roterra 3 - A Sovereign Twist
ALL LEVELS 24 FINISHED except 22 for 30 minutes approximately(2 levels for 1 hour), only 16 level for 1:05 hour ALONE, LEVEL 22 NOT WORK I SKIPPED. I FINISH THE GAME
better 3 points , EQUAL(2 errors)- 2 POINT, WORSE - minus 1 point